Recovery Hype Girl is Breaking the Silence: The Privilege of gaining an Eating Disorder Diagnosis

Recovery Hype Girl is Breaking the Silence: The Privilege of gaining an Eating Disorder Diagnosis

❗️TW: Confronting the uncomfortable truth about having eating disorder AND having a diagnosis #DiagnosisPrivilige❗️

To be honest, this isn't a post that will be fair popular among the masses of mainstream culture. But I feel that this is an important topic to discuss. It's time to acknowledge something that some of us in the ED Recovery community struggle with, and that's talking about having certain PRIVILEGES we have in regards to our faulty health care system and access to seeing a doctor *no matter how ill equip they are with treating eating disorders, no matter offensive or hurtful their words may be, for those of us who gained a diagnosis for their eating disorder. 

➡️ Hi I'm Alexxandra and I have a diagnosed eating disorder 🙋‍♀️ AKA I have "Diagnosis Privilige"

It's time to shatter the stigma and shed some light on a hidden truth: the privilege of an eating disorder diagnosis.

Often society tends to think of eating disorders as a deadly illness impacting a very limited and narrow stereotype, when in reality that is far from the truth. You know the stereotypes I am talking about, the ones who depict Eating Disorders as a thin, white, wealthy, and upper class disorder. Fashion models and the fashion industry dominate the narrative. Having thin privilige almost guarantees gaining a diagnosis. *How sad is it that in our society, you have to have a certain privilige in order to gain access to others? 

The privilege having an ED disorder diagnosis is a harsh reality that many face but very few even dare to discuss

😬 Brace yourself for some eye-opening insights that may challenge your perception of this complex issue

1️⃣ First off, let's clear something up real quick and acknowledge that eating disorders DO NOT discriminate🙅‍♀️

⚡️They DO NOT care about your age, gender, sex assigned at birth, race, socioeconomic status, or astrological sign

2️⃣ They CAN affect ANYONE, regardless of external appearance or social standing ➡️ However, the sad truth is that NOT EVERYONE has equal access to healthcare, medical benefits ➡️ preventing them from even seeking out a diagnosis, let alone gaining access to treatment 🚑

💭 Imagine being trapped in the vicious cycle of disordered eating, AND being denied the privilege of a diagnosis (that you literally need to gain access to ANY CARE) because you don't fit the stereotypical mold of what an eating disorder "should" look like🙄

💭Picture struggling with the crippling effects of an eating disorder, AND not having the ability to seek professional help OR access a treatment center due to not checking off enough boxes in the 📖 DSM🤦‍♀️

⚡️Consider ALL the barriers to getting an appt with a health provider who can then write a referral to see the right kind of specialist so that you have the possibility of even getting evaluated for an ED diagnosis.

None of this is guaranteed by the way, AND did I mention that once you manage to make it through all these loopholes, you then get to prepare yourself for war?...Or at least, learning how to argue & plea your way through more paperwork + hoops that you must jump through in the correct order, to gain access to a potentially sub par treatment center- plot twist, you will also have to fight for adequate time in said treatment center due to insurance  *This doesn't even scratch the surface of it more* 

All of this exists due to the systemic inequities & disparities in our broken healthcare system- #thankyoupatriarchy 👨‍⚖️

🙋‍♀️ I have been privileged enough to receive an eating disorder diagnosis, most likely due to my "thin privilege" which granted me access to resources, support, & understanding that impacted my chance of recovery. I simply had access to health insurance-

🤷‍♀️ But what about those who are not as fortunate?

🤷‍♀️What about the individuals who are silently suffering, struggling to be diagnosed so they might one day be granted access to treatment, or those facing discrimination + bias when they do seek out help due to their body type?

⚡️They deserve the same level of understanding, compassion, & access to care💕

⏰ It's time we come together as a united collective + challenge ALL of the hurtful stereotypes & misconceptions around eating disorders. Together, we can AMPLIFY our voices for those who are often marginalized & left out of this conversation 📣

⚡️We can demand equal access to diagnosis & treatment for ALL individuals, regardless of background, circumstances or any other factor

⚡️We can create a society where eating disorders are not only acknowledged BUT also addressed with empathy & inclusivity🫶

🔔 Follow along for more education on Eating Disorders, coping skills, & the inside scoop on all things MH treatment & recovery related from a social justice psychologist in training perspective🤓🫶

⚡️Join me as I uncover the harsh reality that many face but few dare to discuss

✨Together we can disrupt the current narrative around eating disorders and cultivate change💕🫶#EatingDisorderAwareness #EndTheStigma"


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