
Showing posts from November, 2023

All things Harm Reduction: What is it? & Why should we be talking about it?

Navigating Life's Risks: An Intro to Harm Reduction Picture this: speeding down the highway, jamming to your favorite playlist. Or maybe that first-time nervousness about "the talk" with your parents.  Life's full of all these risks, right? But what do we do? Do we hide away at home from the world and spend our time avoiding life? Nope- we adapt, innovate, and find our groove. Seat belts (click click) for the drive, safety chats for relationships, and creative alternatives to dangerous or unpredictable life events. Now, imagine substances – they’re kinda part of the modern world, just like those things above. Enter: Harm Reduction. Wait, before you X out of this tab, please note! This isn’t just your typical “be safe” spiel. It’s an epic mindset shift that’s all about reducing the pitfalls of drug use and championing personal choice. Imagine having the freedom to navigate your choices, but with a safety net. And get this – it's not just about common sense. Har...